Binance CEO Sees No Threat to Crypto From Central Bank Digital Currencies — Says CBDCs Will Validate Blockchain Concept

The CEO of cryptocurrency exchange Binance does not see central bank digital currencies (CBDC) as a threat to cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin and ether. “It will validate the blockchain concept so that anybody who still has concerns about the technology will say:…

Study Finds Nearly 60% of Hong Kong and Singapore’s Super Rich Have Invested in Digital Assets

According to a study jointly published by KPMG China and Aspen Digital, sur 58% of Singapore and Hong Kongs family offices and high-net-worth individuals have invested in digital assets. Reports suggest the info shows the crypto market downturn has not diminished

Nubank, soutenu par Warren Buffett, lance le trading de crypto - détient Bitcoin sur le bilan

Warren Buffett-backed Nubank, un du monde’s largest digital banking platforms, has launched cryptocurrency trading. Starting with bitcoin and ether, the bank explained that its 54 million customers can “Suggestions de sondages récents, hold and sell cryptocurrency all from the same app, with no

Sequoia Capital Partner pense que de nombreux VC se retireront de la crypto

Shaun Maguire, un partenaire crypto de Sequoia Capital, l'une des sociétés de capital-risque les plus actives en matière d'investissements dans l'espace des crypto-monnaies, a émis son avis sur l'avenir de nombreux VC investissant dans la crypto. À lui, many of

L'Idaho met en garde contre les escroqueries cryptographiques prometteuses 80% Renvoie tous les 24 Les heures

The finance department of the U.S. state of Idaho has warned investors of a series of cryptocurrency scams promising returns as high as 80% every 24 hours with no risks to investors. Crypto Scams Promising High Returns The Idaho Department of

La Banque centrale du Brésil rapporte que les Brésiliens ont acheté plus de $4 Milliards de crypto-monnaie cette année

Brazilians have brought over $4 billion of cryptocurrencies to the country, according to numbers from the Central Bank of Brazil. The commercial asset balance report presented shows that Brazilians have consistently acquired over $350 million dollars of cryptocurrencies each month since